What is Future Race?

Future Race is a miniatures-based system for recreating racing in the near and far future, as well as the magical past, using miniature figures or popular die-cast toy vehicles.
But it’s more than a miniatures game.
With the versatile Future Race rules you can race virtually anything. With a ruler and a few 6-sided dice, you can literally race the salt and pepper shakers around your dining room table.
New eBook Version of Future Race is Here!
The new Future Race eBook is here! Now you can get the Future Race rules for your favorite miniatures race any time you want on the mobile reader of your choice or your computer desktop. Check out the links below to get the rules in your preferred format now! Just $2.99 for a limited time:
Future Race Game on Amazon Kindle for mobile and desktop reader!
Future Race Game on iBooks for iPad and iBooks for your desktop reader!
Contact the author by email to get a copy of the rules (including extra charts and adapted period rules) by email in PDF format $5 via paypal!